Become a PDF Wizard

Everything your PDF needs in one place

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Your All documents in one place

we manage and create perfect documents for you

Why Choose Us

Merge, split, compress, convert, rotate, unlock, and watermark PDFs effortlessly with just a few clicks.

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AllInOne Converter

AllInOne converter is your one-stop solution to all your conversion needs. Moreover, you can also lock, rotate, and optimize your files. Be sure to check out all our features.

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Easy to Use

Our website is designed to ensure a user-friendly experience, while also providing clear and detailed steps for any potential issues.

Trusted By Millions

Our services are used by millions of people all over the world for all their document needs.

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Customer Support

Our round-the-clock customer service is available to provide you with all the assistance you require.

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Data Privacy

We use highly encrypted mechanics to ensure your data is kept safe and away from potential hackers.

Used By Major Companies

Our website is used by major institutions as we are the best PDF software currently available.

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Join the community of 1M+ Happy Customers

Merge, split, compress, convert, rotate, unlock, and watermark PDFs effortlessly with just a few clicks. Compress, convert, rotate, unlock, and watermark PDFs effortlessly with just a few clicks.

I can't believe how simple it is to use this software. A real time saver.

Alfred Marshall

I don't have to look anywhere else. All the services I may need are here.

Marie Tombell

Using this software I got to know about features I didn't know even existed. I have become a document guru with Allpdfconverter.

Jaime Hancock

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100,000 monthly users

Made with love ❤️ by Makura Creations.
